
The 94th Annual Ouzts Family Reunion

Please plan to come and join your family members in the celebration of our Ouzts Family traditions at the 94th Annual Ouzts Family Reunion at First Baptist Church of NinetySix, 205 Church Street NinetySix, Greenwood County, SC, 29666  on Saturday, August 10, 2024. This is a wonderful facility and we appreciate that it has been made available to us. We are hopeful that this year we can return to our traditional meeting and family visitation.  Plan to bring your well-filled picnic baskets and drinks.  Ice, paper plates and utensils will be provided.  We have lost more than the normal numbers of our family over the past two years so please make the effort to attend and again reach the numbers that we are acustomed to.  Young family members are encouraged to attend. 

The 93rd Annual Ouzts Family Reunion

About 80 members of the Ouzts Family assembled for the 93rd Annual Ouzts Family Reunion at at First Baptist Church of NinetySix, 205 Church Street NinetySix, Greenwood County, SC, 29666 on Saturday, August 5, 2023, for family business, lunch, renewing relationships and visiting with the family.  Two members were re-elected to three-year terms as Trustees of the Association. 

Death in the Family

Constance Marie (Connie) Timmerman McNeill, EdD died on February 25, 2023 in Greenville SC. For more see her obituary under Events-Obituaries.